Saturday, October 13, 2007

I was a teenage myspace zombie...(thing # 6)

Teenage myspace zombie, originally uploaded by tastytreat2012.

Fun with flickr!

Here's my tribute to the human mass of teens that descend on our computers every afternoon.

I actually had a lot of fun with this one - but having photoshop definitely did help to get the picture just right. Really liked the fact that you can add icons to the side - and wish they had more to choose from - but it gives it a really "Magic" or "Yu-Gi-Oh" feel to it.

The website was - and they gave you the option of uploading it to Flickr or saving it to your desktop. I popped it into Flikr - then used Flikr's blog option to pop it into here... the wonders never cease :)

1 comment:

  1. Facebook is Thing 17 1/2. I just started using it, but I like how it is 100x prettier than myspace.
