Wednesday, April 27, 2011

METRO, CUNY's Graduate Center, and a Doctoral Thesis walk into a bar...

So I decided to throw the inter-library loan department a curve ball by requesting a doctoral thesis instead of just an ordinary book.

Heres the title I was interested in...

Portraying the Mexica past : a comparison of sixteenth-century pictorial accounts of origin in Codex Azcatitlan, Codex Boturini, and Codex Aubin

Our ILL department tried to get it for me - but they said that the Graduate Center's copy was reference-only. They suggested i tried to get access to the material by requesting a yellow temporary access card from METRO the Metropolitan New York Library Council. Technically it's a referral card - which can be accessed from their website here.

So I emailed to obtain a card - and never heard back from them. So I called the number (212) 228-2320 x 14 to order - and spoke to 3 different people, the last of whom told me to call NYPL to obtain a card.

Considering I'm calling from Queens Library - this was a little insensitive - but I called him back and he gave me the number for the Queens office. Turns out the number is for my own Central Library's Interlibrary Loan Department!

Having come full circle, I requested a few cards, and got them in the next day's mail. Yellow referral card in hand - I'm off to CUNY's Graduate Center to look at this thesis! Keeping you posted!

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