Sunday, December 23, 2007

work with me people... (thing #18)

I love the smell of collaboration in the morning...

Our next foray into the realm of inter-connectivity is similar to wikis, but with a heavier emphasis on project-based collaboration.

I chose GoogleDocs because I liked the clean interface, ability to publish to both my own blog (through Blogger) and to GoogleDocs, and because of the option to share a variety of files, including text documents, Powerpoint presentations, and Excel spreadsheets.

Another feature which I found impressive was the option to save the document as a PDF file - which previously required purchasing Adobe's Acrobat Writer program (currently priced at $449).

Another great feature is the invite function - which allows users to invite people to collaborate on projects - or just to view them with no editing privileges- with the option of allowing invitees to invite others to join in the fun as well.

So - I uploaded a short txt file on tarot card meanings - and published to both my blog and to GoogleDocs - and invited myself (through an alternate email) to collaborate. Heres the file below (complete with preserved font styles and text effects)...

the tarot trumps

the fool ( innocence ) = the magician ( knowledge )

the empress ( understanding ) = apocalypse ( fear )

the emporer ( inspiration ) = the star ( evolution )

the high priestess ( mystery ) = the moon ( illusion )

the heirophant ( harmony ) = the sun ( truth )

the lovers ( prudence ) = the devil ( lust )

the chariot ( humility ) = the tower ( pride )

temperance ( restraint ) = force ( rage )

the hermit ( sacrifice ) = the hanged man ( desire )

the world ( life ) = death ( stillness )

justice ( karma ) = fortune ( whim )

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